Blockchain Mining Network

Cryptocurrency Mining and Investment Done right.

Mining software with specialized hardware. We do the heavy lifting while helping you stay anonymous. No bank holidays. No borders. No bureaucracy.

Securing your Wallet

Our internal policy is: “be a good crypto citizen”. This means, that we will at least use two different pools (in some cases we use up to four) for each coin. This is to preserve the decentralized nature of the crypto networks! If we become aware that a pool is getting close to 50% share, we will switch away from it and use a backup instead.

Processing - Mining

It is always possible that mining hardware crashes slows down or completely breaks. In all these cases, our algorithms ensure that other miners are allocated to the relevant pools to fully compensate for possible hashpower loss. This way our clients will not lose a second of mining time.

Risk Management

Besides the fact that we ourselves mine with the very same hardware that we offer to our clients, our capital is limited. We believe that Bitcoin and Altcoin mining is one of the best ways to receive Cryptocurrencies, however, we do not want to “put all our eggs in one basket”.


Analyze Financial Data

You should never expect to get rich with Bitcoin or any emerging technology. It is always important to be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true or disobeys basic economic rules. That’s where we come in, we do the analyses and proper evaluation of the costs and the risks involved before making an investment, ensuring maximum ROI.


Proper risk analysis


Maximum return on investment

Payment Processing

Build a Stronger Relationship with our Customers

We value the privacy of our customers and thus, we do the heavy lifting while helping you stay anonymous – Get the maximum on every investment, take our commission and send the rest to you. Repeat. It’s a win-win.


Process payments securely


NextGen servers